# Reports
# Main Menu
Reports give an overview for test activities, project/software/tested product quality, performance and helps in planning release and assisting users for test case creation, cycle and test cycle planning.
There are Five Standard Reports which are broadly divided into 3 categories
- Test Execution Reports
- Traceability
- Live Statistics
Inside Test Execution Reports, there are 3 reports covered as follows :
- Test Execution Reports per Test Cycle(List)
- Test Execution Reports per Test Cycle(Detail)
- Test Case Report: Most Executed Test Cases/ Most Failed Test cases
# Test Execution Reports Per Test Cycle (List)
For every test cycle executed, a user (test manager/ admin) should be able to generate a test report that will provide the test results in tabular format.
In Reports, the following details need to be covered :
Product /project Name, Environment, Date
Test Cycle Name
Details of Test Case Executed -No Test cases of Passed/ Failed, another status if any, Total no of Test cases executed
List of all Test cases executed with status
# Test Execution Reports Per Test Cycle ( Detail )
For every test cycle executed, a user (test manager/ admin) should be able to generate a test report that will provide a total no of issues and types of issues in tabular format.
In Reports, the following details need to be covered:
Product /project Name
Test Cycle Name
Details of Issues Generated -Types of Issues, no of issues in each type, and total no of issues
# Test Case Report : Most Executed Test Cases/ Most Failed Test cases
In this report, we will generate a report for test case executions that are Executed/failed the most.
This report will have a visual representation of test cases that have been executed /failed the most based on their execution history across testing cycles in a project.
Statistics for most executed/Failed Cycle, user can analyze the project functionality and plan the process and release.
# Traceability Report
In this report, the user is able to generate the test report that will provide the total number of issues, types of issues for the components in multiple test cycles execution.
In this, a Test case is related to components. In Test cycle execution, the issue generated for the test case executed is directly related to the component for which that test case is created
# Live Statistics Report
In this report, we will generate a report for test case executions that are Executed / failed the most.
This report will have a visual representation of test cases that have been executed /failed the most based on their execution history across testing cycles in a project.
Statistics for most executed/Failed Cycle , the user can analyze the project functionality and plan the process and release.